"I came to Preeti with extreme pain in my knees and felt like a new person after one session" Gurpal, London

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a transformational Japanese energy and healing therapy that supports your body’s natural ability to release, rest, and recharge.

During a Reiki session, I connect to universal positive energy and, channel it into your body. The energy is transferred through my hands and into your energy centers or chakras.  I then identify energy blockages, and with additional Reiki energy, these blocks are gently loosened and dissolved.

As a result, my clients often report experiencing a heightened sense of lightness, improved balance, and increased vitality. I also use crystals, breathwork, and other healing modalities to enhance the therapeutic experience.

Every Reiki session is different and highly personal. I create a safe and sacred space for you to heal. I practise Usui Reiki founded by Mikao Usui, a Japanese Buddhist scholar.